Background Checks Made Simple
Employee Screening in One-Click. No Paperwork. FCRA Compliant.
Performing a background check on a potential employee can reveal important information about that person, so you can make the best hiring decision for your business. For background checks, companies use online technology and in-person searches to discover the details of someone's past, including if they have any felony convictions, misdemeanors, etc.
Protect Your Business or Organization
Although most businesses have high talent standards, they are also challenged by limited resources. In addition, they frequently need to move quickly when the time comes to make a hire. Yet, each applicant and employee adds business and security risk. Fortunately, performing background checks on applicants and employees is an effective way to discover potential issues that could affect your business.
Personal profiles
Criminal record searches
Corporate searches
Motor vehicle searches
Educational degree verification
Social security trace
Civil searches
Employment verification
Credit checking
Professional license verification
Quickly get the information you need, and be empowered to make the right decisions to stay safe. All searches are private and completely confidential. No one will know you searched for them. With over 20 billion available public records, we provide access to the best.
Reconnect with old friends
Check an associate's background record
See what appears in your background check
Find out who is calling you
Review property data on the house you want
Look up Potential Relationships
Corporate and Business Services:
Background Checks-Pre Employment Screening